Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Fried Fish

So ... who is a fish lover out here? Even if not, give this a try. The machhli ke pakode or fish pakoda has lots of cousins in Holland. It's deep fried fish with a little flour coating. This is available in various forms (supposedly different fishes) but the best is the nugget sized fried fish.

I don't think so this would be available in restaurants but can be readily had in any Open Market. There are several around. Of what I know we have open markets in Amsterdam and sub-urbs at the following places:
  • Albert Cuypstraat (Everyday)
  • Bijlmer (Mondays & Thursdays)
  • Amstelveen Binnenhof (Fridays)
I have never visited the Amstelveen open market so am not sure whether there is a shop selling fried fish in the open market. If someone can confirm that it would be great.

One can buy this nugget sized fried fish (We are really missing a photo here, aren't we) for any amount. I generally prefer for €2 which is sufficient as a quick snack. You can additionally buy some sauce with this but I do not recommend it. Some shops have a kind of masala (which is paprika and salt mixture I believe) that you can sprinkle on the fish for a stronger taste.

This fried fish has no smell, so if you do not eat fish because the smell, give this a try. If you a fish lover, you are really missing something.

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