Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Intro: Food types

To start with, an introduction to the types (in a way they affect the nature of human beings) of food, as stated in the Ayurveda!

a) Satvic Food: Easily digestible and helps bring balance to temperament. This food isn't spicy, but mild and moderate. Raw food is considered un-satvic (since not easily digestible). Satvic kind of food leads to spiritual development. It leads to 'satvic' temperament i.e. a pure and calm one!
Examples: Most Lentils, sprouts, natural oils and sweeteners in small quantity. Few spices like turmeric, coriander.

And yes intoxicants/stimulants like tea, alcohol etc. are completly opposite examples of Satvic food.

b) Rajasic food: This type of food is fresh and of high nutrient quality, but is heavy to digest. More oil is used for cooking this type of food as compared to satvic food. Food prepared from sour, salty, spicy ingredients increase Rajasic qualities . Rajasic qualities in humans are manifested as positive aggression and ambition, longing for power and prestige.
Examples: Non-vegetarian food like meat, fish eggs, chicken are considered rajasic.Hot spices like chilies, pepper,onions and garlic, are all included under this category.

A Rajasic personality loves to enjoy life, in a positive sense.

c) Tamasic food: Tamas means darkness, implying stagnation in a person and degeneration in health. A tamasic personality has intense mood swings, insecurities, unbalaced persona and a uncontrolled appetite. Such personality indulges in mindless eating and hence has a risk of various diseases.
Examples: Canned and preserved foods like jams- jellies-pickles ,pastries, pizzas, burgers, chocolates, soft drinks, stimulants like tea, coffee, tobacco, intoxicants like alcohol are example of tamasic food.

This type of food is not fresh, but is stale or processed artificially.

Keep reading for more.

1 comment:

Prakash Mehrotra said...

Good one. Your first post. Congrats.